- Don't forget to send the library books back by Monday and your child will put it in the Library Box on their way in.
- If you haven't finished the September Family Project, send it in whenever you have finished it. Have fun!
- October lunch orders are due to the office Monday, Oct. 3.
- PAC pizza orders are also due Monday, Oct. 3. If you have ordered pizza it will be delivered to your child at lunch time on Friday, Oct. 7.
- We will have our first whole school Spirit Assembly on Wednesday, Oct. 5.
- Scholastic book orders are due Friday, Oct. 7.
- We will go to the river for our first Fresh Air Friday on Oct. 7 after lunch. It is often cooler down there and sometimes we get muddy so please dress your child appropriately.
- Monday, Oct. 10 is Thanksgiving Day. Enjoy!
- The first set of sight words were introduced last week. They are: I, a, like, the, you, no. Please feel free to practice them at home.
- We read "My Book of P" today and the children should know it by heart. Their homework is to read it 3 more times at home for fluency (and to show off their budding reading skills). Please have them read any little paper books that come home multiple times for practice. Thank you.
- Thank you for your contributions of toonies for the Terry Fox Run.
- Thank you to Sachith and his family for the donation of two Scholastic books to our classroom.
Mondays will be our library day and the children were very excited for our first visit last week. They met Ms. Kipp, our librarian, and had a look around the library. Ms Kipp showed us how to use our Spot Cards to mark our place when we remove a book from the shelf, she read us Mr. Wiggle's Book, which reminded us how to take care of books and then we chose a book and signed it out on the computer. We will be bringing a new book home every week as long as we have returned the book we borrowed the previous week. If the book becomes lost or damaged, it will have to be paid for before another book can be signed out. We put our books in the special library book bags to keep them neat and clean for the trip back and forth between school and home. We loved going to the library! Click on the pictures to make them bigger.
By now I am sure you have heard plenty of garbled stories about the book The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn, which we read last Friday morning. To our surprise there was a note at the end of the book from Chester Raccoon inviting us to find him somewhere in the school. So off we went, following the clues, meeting new people and seeing new places in the school. We were sad not to catch Chester as we were so certain that we would, but he did leave us each a heart for our hand and some apples before returning to the book. Boy, do I wish I could have bottled the energy, excitement and joy generated by this activity (to be imbibed by me at a later date, probably around Xmas). We have since read the book twice more (hoping we would find another note but alas), and we will act it out with paper Chester puppets we will make this week. We have also learned to sign 'I love you' so if your child has been making punk rocker 'devil' finger signs at you they are actually trying to show you how much you are loved. We love Chester Raccoon!
As you all know, the Terry Fox Run is a non-competitive event where people get together as individuals, families, and groups to raise money for cancer research in Terry's name. It is a day of celebrating Terry's legacy and helping to keep alive his dream of finding a cure for cancer. BEST, and the other schools in SD 73, participate as well by providing time for students to learn about Terry Fox and participate in a school- sponsored run. Our Terry Fox Run will take place Thursday, Sept. 29, after recess. The school will gather in the gym for a short assembly at 10:30ish, which will include a warm-up activity led by some of TRU's Wolf Pack students, before heading outside to run. The intermediate students have a route that takes them to Schubert Dr. while the primaries run around the school grounds, staying inside the fence. If you would like to send a Toonie for Terry there will be a labeled donation container in the office, or I can collect it in our classroom. You are also more than welcome to join us for the morning if you are able. By participating, you will help share Terry’s example of courage, strength and hope. This week was easier for some children and more difficult for others. Some have had the separation anxiety that they experienced last week ease and others who seemed to have it under control last week have had it escalate this week. Leaving parents who have always been there for them can be difficult- especially for a whole day- even knowing that they will be with friends and having fun. And there is always that awkward moment (or 10) when it is time for their parent to leave and the child is distraught and clinging and I'm not sure exactly what would be the best way to help but hugs certainly don't hurt. Often the child is playing and smiling within a few moments of their adult leaving but it doesn't make it any easier on the parent who worries and frets all day that their little person is upset and missing them. But the reunion at the end of the day is always sweet, regardless of the parting in the morning.
The BEST PAC has sent home our first fundraiser of the year today- coupon books- but I noticed there were no instructions with the envelope, just an order form. If you would like to buy a book of coupons keep the one that was sent home with your child and return $10 in the envelope. If you would like more than one booklet, there is an order form inside the envelope to fill in and return to the office by the due date. The extra books will be delivered to you at a later date. If you do not want any of the coupon books, please return the book sent home today to the office in the envelope it was given in by the due date. If you have any questions, please call the office (250-376-2205). Thanking you in advance for your support of BEST and our students.
Mrs. Bowden &