- Mrs. Farber and I are looking for donations of odds and ends of flagging tape in different colours for next Wednesday if you have any laying around. Thank you.
- As usual, library books are due back for exchange by next Tuesday.
- April's Family Project (kite & tail) came home and is due Friday April 5.
- Report cards came home with your child. Please sign and return the envelope for our last reporting period of the year.
- PAC is sponsoring a pizza day in April. The orders were due to the office by today with pizza on Friday April 5.
- Monday April 1 is an NI Day so Team Awesome will stay home while I go to school.
- The PAC Easter Purdy chocolate orders are due to the office by Wednesday April 3. No late orders will be accepted.
- We have a presentation with the Sierra Club on Thursday April 4 and will spend part of the morning outside.
- Friday April 6 is very busy with Day of Sucwentwec activities, a possible assembly, family projects due, and a PAC pizza lunch.
- Don't forget to use the Scholastic $6 book coupon your child received in their Xmas card from me before the end of June!
- Mrs. Leonard is looking for donations of white buttons for a project she is working on. If you have some you would like to donate, leave them with me or put them in the jar on the office counter.
- March sight words are: because, fun, have, jump, make, why. If a word comes up repeatedly in our studies we will sometimes add it to our words for the month. Please feel free to practice them at home.
- BEST monthly newsletter can be found here.