Don't forget that Friday is our Jump Rope 4 Heart afternoon. The children were to sign up online for fundraising and they will receive their prizes shortly. We will be spending the afternoon outside on the field so please dress the children appropriately- hats, sunscreen and water bottles are a good idea if it looks like it will be warm. We will participate in six or so stations that involve jumping in some way, shape or form so expect Team Awesome to come home tired! Thanks for supporting Jump Rope For Heart.
![]() "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” – Mother Teresa
Hello families,
I am pleased to announce that your child in Ms. Farber and Ms. Bowden's Kindergarten classes will be putting on a special Primary Play on Thursday June 2 at 11:15am and families are invited to come watch:) The performance will take place in the Gym with families and a couple classes as audience. We are busy working on our play during Fine Arts class and can't wait to show you what we have created! Our costumes for this play will be Dinosaurs! We have a few students acting as "children", but the majority will be dinosaurs. So any assistance in helping them create a dinosaur looking costume, or simply colours of dinosaurs would be great:) If you have any questions, please let me know, Loren Phillips Bert Edwards Fine Arts teacher [email protected]
BEST will be sponsoring a Bike Rodeo Thursday, May 26 from 9:00-11:00. If you would like your child to participate, ensure they have their bike and a helmet that morning. The students will not be able to participate if they do not have a helmet. They can lean their bikes up at the side/ outside classroom door in the morning and bring in their helmets to hang on their hooks. We will have them park their bikes again until the end of the day when we are finished. They will not be using their bikes at any other time throughout the day. If your child does not have a bike or it is not able to be brought to school, they will cheer on their friends then have some play on the playground.
Mrs. Bowden &