![]() The Thursday afternoon before a Fresh Air Friday, Mrs. Farber and myself always walk to the river to check out our area to make sure its safe, and choose a new one if needed. As the children had repeatedly requested the same spot as last time, we headed there yesterday to scope it out. The large puddle the children had enjoyed had mostly dried up and could hardly be called a puddle. The area, including the ravine by the large metal door, seemed fine and therefore it was a go. Imagine our surprise this afternoon when we arrived at the exact same spot to see that the puddle was full and the ravine in front of the rusty door was also filled with water. After looking around and asking the children what they think had happened since yesterday, one of them made the connection that the river must have gotten more water in it somehow. And indeed, it had come up several feet overnight. As the river will only continue to rise, it is entirely likely that we will not make another trip down until June and the other FAFs will probably take place on school grounds.
Please join us for the You Can Count On Me math event tomorrow morning (8:30-10:00ish) in the library, sponsored by the school district and supported by our PAC. A facilitator will be guiding adults through some math strategies to use at home with Team Awesome as well as providing some games to hone the childrens skills. Afterwards, the children will join the adults in the library to play the games. It should be great fun!
Tomorrow afternoon will see us once again participating in Fresh Air Friday and we will be walking down to the river. After the huge amounts of fun we had last time, the children have been asking to go to the same spot but as of yet, it has not been decided. The weather is unpredictable and it has been chilly the past few days. Please dress your child for the weather. Unless it is pouring rain with thunder and lightning, we will be spending the afternoon outside. Hope to see you tomorrow! ![]() So how bout them Canucks? We have to make a quick, unexpected trip to Calgary this weekend and my husband was hoping, with everything (and I do mean everything) crossed that the Canucks, or really any team, would be playing Saturday night so we could go watch a live playoff game (insert less-than-enthusiastic 'Yay' here). Unfortunately the game is on Sunday night and he'll be forced to watch it from the comfort of the living room rather than the arena. And while I am more than okay with that (I actually felt like I had dodged a bullet but don't tell him that), he was very disappointed. Maybe next time. Have a great weekend!
![]() Monday May 4, 1:00pm All students are invited to enter this fun event on their own, with a group or with a parent. All you have to do is find a way to prevent an egg from breaking when it hits the wall at speed. Choose the materials, make your plan and have some fun. Entry forms cost 25c and are available from your teacher. * The egg containers will be built at home, not school. Rules:
2. Parental assistance is appreciated but not required. 3. The raw egg will be supplied on the day. We much prefer to put our own raw egg in just before dropping it, but if your design is completely enclosed, you may put in your own raw egg. 4. The egg must be visible. We want to see if it breaks or not. 4. No parachutes or balloons may be added to the outside of the container 5. The device to protect the egg must fit into a shoe box although it does not have to be in a shoe box. It cannot be larger than an average shoebox. *New Rule for this year! Mr Hembling is an Olympic enthusiast and is introducing egg testing! If your egg survives it must undergo egg doping tests. We will be breaking your egg if it survives to determine its “leggitimacy”. As the season moves toward summer the children are coming to school in clothes meant for warmer weather. BEST has a dress code that parents may not be aware of and some of the parameters in the dress code directly affects summer clothing. Please make yourself familiar with the school dress code below.
DRESS CODE @ BEST It is the policy of School District No. 73 (Kamloops/Thompson) and Bert Edwards Science & Technology School that “Students are expected to dress in a manner that reflects purpose and propriety”. Students at Bert Edwards Science & Technology School are expected to use the following guidelines when selecting their school wardrobe: •Dress in an appropriate fashion for school. •Clothing shall not distract from the teaching / learning situation. •Clothing with offensive words, slogans, or pictures are considered inappropriate. •Clothing, insignias, symbols or adornments that promotes alcohol, drugs or tobacco products are not appropriate. •Clothing which features phrases / pictures of a sexual nature or phrases / pictures that are derogatory regarding a person's ethical background, national origin, religious belief, sexual orientation or disability are not appropriate. •Clothing should fit the individual without showing underwear or revealing too much. •Tube tops, halter tops, muscle shirts, athletic vests or spaghetti straps are not appropriate dress for school. •Shorts and skirts should be worn at a length that reaches approximately half-way down the thigh. •It is expected that students wear proper footwear at school, suitable for physical activities. Flip-flops (aka "thongs") are considered beachwear and are not appropriate. •Clothing should be in good repair with no revealing rips or tears and should not be see-through. •Hats, hoodies, bandannas and other forms of head coverings are not to be worn in school under normal circumstances. •Gym strip should be appropriate and as specified by the school. •A neat personal appearance and clean hygiene are expectations of students in our school. Thank you for your help ensuring that your child is dressed appropriately for a successful day at school. Students dressed inappropriately will be required to change clothes or to cover up. Repeated failure to comply with the school dress code may result in disciplinary consequences. If you are uncertain as to whether a particular piece of clothing is appropriate for school, please check with your child's teacher or with school administration. |
Mrs. Bowden &