What is easy/ hard about school?
What do you like/ dislike about school?
What are you proud of?
What are you still working on?
Which book bin is your favourite? Why?
Which centre is your favourite? Why?
How are you respectful/ responsible/ safe at school?
Can you tell me more about _____?
Tell me about your friends.
Tell me about your classroom jobs.
- Library books are due back on Tuesday so we can choose new ones.
- The May Sharing Project date has been changed to Wednesday May 18. We will be sharing all projects on that day so if your child would like to participate they must be returned by then. We have sent home a note with details.
- An upcoming SD73 Parent Engagement Session on May 5 will offer information on Discovery Education, a world-renowned, immersive, digital experience inclusive of all learners.
- The BEST skipping team will give us a presentation in the gym the afternoon of Friday, May 6.
- PAC pizza orders due to the office by Friday, May 6 with pizza delivered on Friday, May 13.
- We have a fire drill Thursday May 12.
- Friday May 20 is an NI Day so Team Awesome will be home.
- Monday May 23 is a holiday for Victoria Day.
- Friday May 27 is a possible Fresh Air Friday.
- We have booked a number of fieldtrips for June and are very excited! We will post info and send forms closer to the dates. You can check them out using the calendar link at the top of this page.
- The April newsletter for BEST can be found here.
- Please have Team Awesome read any little paper books that come home (approximately 1 per week) multiple times for practice/ fluency. Thank you.
- Check out what Mrs. Phillips is doing with Team Awesome here.
- Scholastic flyers are available online monthly. April's is available here. Our class code is RC210022.
- The sight words we are learning right now: all, boy, his, girl, not, some, that, what, play. Please feel free to practice at home.