May 29- June 2 is the City of Kamloops' Bike To Work Week! BEST has registered and we are hoping to have many students participate by biking to and from school next week. We will be tracking our students' participation by class throughout the week and documenting the info at the end of the week. If your child would like to participate, let me know Monday morning and I will add them to my list of student participants. There is a poster for each class at the office to help us keep track of how often our students are riding. If your child takes part, they will be given a sticker to put on our class poster every day they ride to and from school. Each sticker will count as a rounded 2.1 km ride and totals will be given at the end of the week. Each morning your child rides to school they will also be given a ticket by me to enter into the door prize draw on Friday. Let's get on our bikes and have some fun! Gender stereotypes proliferate in the advertising, television, books, magazines and conversations that children are exposed to from a young age. That children might be deeply influenced by the gender stereotypes thrust upon them should give us all pause. How often do we heedlessly shower little girls with platitudes about prettiness and looks, or comment on how “big and strong” their brothers are growing? And, of course, I am just as susceptible to passing along my unrecognized and ingrained gender biases as anyone. But I try hard not to. Team Awesome is discouraged from labelling items such as colours or toys as 'for boys' or 'for girls' in our classroom. At first the children laugh at or scorn such claims and the opposite gender shun the items deemed not appropriate for them by their peers. But slowly, slowly, their grip on their stereotype beliefs relax and it becomes a non-issue. And I am happy to have noticed that over the last few months there has been more crossover in the use of traditional toys in our classroom. I am seeing the boys choose the doll house and the girls choose the building activities more often, with no fear of reprisals from their peers. Tiny steps.
Bert Edwards Egg Glider Fun Thursday May 25, 1:00pm
Students are invited to enter this fun event on their own, with a group or with a parent. All you have to do is build a glider that carries a raw egg. Find a way to prevent an egg from breaking while also travelling as far as possible. Choose the materials, make your plan and have some fun. Rules:
Build a beautiful, elegant and very effective egg glider that flies. There will not be prizes or measurements. We will just take pride in our achievement. Please ensure your glider has your name on it. They will be picked up at our classroom in the morning by a grade 5 student and returned to you with an egg in it at the gliding event. If you would like to join us, we will be outside watching the gliders perform at about 1:00. |
Mrs. Bowden &