- Have kids wear a face mask.
- Adhere to social-distancing guidelines by standing six feet apart.
- Have a parent accompany children to hold them accountable with mask wearing and social distancing.
- Avoid congregating around doorsteps and porches.
- Use hand sanitizer after receiving candy from each house.
- Do not eat candy while trick-or-treating — make certain hands are clean before kids start touching their faces and eating candy.
- Make certain kids wash their hands as soon as they get home.
- Have a scary movie night
- Do some spooky story telling
- Have a Halloween treasure hunt in your yard
- Cook a spooky family dinner or do some Halloween themed baking
- Create Halloween crafts
- Send Halloween cards
- Plan a wicked family game night
- Please refrain from sending more than 1 Halloween treat to school each day with your child in November. They will be encouraged to eat their healthy food (ie sandwich) before having the treat at lunch.
- The first of three videos full of fun Hallowe’en activities and stories for you and your little ones is up. There are crafts and stories and games that the whole family can join and get in the Hallowe'en spirit! On-line to November 1 – Free on WCT’s Facebook and website.
- Please return library books by next Tuesday at the latest so your child can choose a new one.
- A pair of inside shoes has become necessary because of the weather. If you have not already sent a pair, please send some soon.
- Friday, Nov. 6, is PAC pizza lunch.
- We will participate in a pre-recorded BEST Remembrance Day assembly on Tuesday, Nov. 10
- Wednesday, Nov. 11 is Remembrance Day and we will stay home to observe it.
- Friday, Nov. 13 is a possible Fresh Air Friday- it is not for sure yet and we will confirm closer to the date.
- The November newsletter went out this week and can be found here.
- Sight words we are learning in class: am, for, is, my, to, was. Please feel free to practice reading them together at home.