![]() I am missing Team Awesome something fierce! Although I knew that at some point I would have to hand full responsibility for the team over to Mrs. Unsworth, it was not without some reluctance, even though I knew she was fully capable. You remember the feeling you had when you hired a babysitter for the evening for the first time? It feels like that- you know they will be fine without you but you're not so sure you will be able to handle it (and you call every 15 minutes to make sure everything is okay). I have been out of the room as much as possible for the week doing those things I seldom have time for and feel I am out of synch with the kids. So much happens in the course of a week and I have missed most of it, although Mrs. Unsworth has been able to experience all the ups and downs- first teeth falling out, scraped knees, a job well done, a bleeding nose. I know she is truly loving it as much as I do!
![]() If there was a gold medal given for perseverance, every member of Team Awesome would have received one today. It made my heart sing to see the sheer determination from those new skaters on the ice this morning. It also made me a little ashamed of my own lack of similar joyful determination when learning something new and difficult. Many of the children had never been on skates (as evidenced from the spaghetti legs and slapstick falls) and spent more time getting up than they did actually staying up. And some of those falls were hard- there might be bruises. But not one single child asked to have their skates taken off early. Not one of them complained or cried or whined. And every face had a beaming smile despite the difficulties some of them were having staying on their feet, much less actually moving. And a big thank you to those parents and family members who were able to come with us today. It makes activities like this so much easier when there are extra adults to help out. I will make and post a video over the weekend so you can share in our accomplishments. I am so proud of Team Awesome! Just a few things.
Kindergarten Registration- To be eligible for Kindergarten attendance in September 2015 a child must be 5 years of age by December 31, 2015. At time of registration, please bring your child’s original Birth Certificate and Care Card number. For kindergarten registrations where a sibling already attends BEST, please drop by the office for more information. Of course, you are able to register your child after these dates.
REGISTRATION @ BEST •Mon / Tues / Wed / Thurs •February 23, 24, 25, 26, 2015 •8:30 am to 12 noon / 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Next week is going to be busy busy busy with a field trip Wednesday, Thursday AND Friday so I am glad Team Awesome has a long weekend to rest up and get ready. If you would like to join us for any of our excursions, just let me or Mrs. Unsworth know. Of course, we are looking for parents to help do up all those skates and be on the ice when we go skating on Thursday so look forward to seeing you at MacArthur Park arena at 10:00.
I'm sorry for the late notice but I just received this email and thought you might be interested. TRU is holding Family Night 2015 tonight, Tuesday Feb. 17, from 5:00-8:30 in the Science Building. "Come join our students and faculty at TRU for a great night exploring the sciences, watching magic shows, and a chance to win some fantastic prizes. Food services will be available." I hope some of you are able to enjoy some of their presentations/demonstrations this evening.
Mrs. Bowden &