- Don't forget to send library books back for exchange by Tuesday.
- Report cards went home with your child today. Keep the report but please sign and return the brown envelope so it can be used for the next reporting period. Please contact me if you have any questions.
- Monday, Dec. 2 is an N.I. day so Team Awesome gets a long weekend to rest up for the last big push to winter holidays.
- The BEST PAC will run a Christmas store on Thursday, Dec. 5 and Friday, Dec. 6. Check out the posters around the school and the notices that went home.
- December Family Projects are due Thursday, Dec. 5 or when they are finished.
- Friday, Dec. 6 is a Fresh Air Friday. Please dress your child for playing at the river.
- Items for our class sponsored PAC Raffle Basket are due Friday, Dec. 13. Our class basket theme is Chocolate.
- Skating permission forms for January went home this week and are due back by Dec. 13. Please join us at MacArthur Arena on Thursday, Jan. 9 and 16.
- January hot lunch orders went home this week and are due to the office by Monday, Dec. 16.
- The PAC is hosting a hot dog lunch on Friday, Jan. 10. Orders are due to the office by Friday, Dec. 20.
- Christmas gift idea? We have scheduled two skating sessions the first two Thursdays of January. If your child does not have skates they are welcome to borrow them from the school but the sizes might be off and they are a kijillion years old so not terribly warm or comfortable. This is a good time to start looking in secondhand shops for something suitable as the school books skating time for all classes every year.
- If you have not already, please send a set of over-the-head earphones in a labelled ziplock bag for your child's iPad use.
- The November sight words are: Dad, at, and, do, from, go, he, she, stop. Please feel free to practice them at home. We will practice them regularly in class.
- Please practice zipping up coats and putting on gloves and mittens at home.
- BEST monthly newsletter can be found here.