- Please send library books back in their special bag by Monday for exchange.
- Please remind your child to look over the Lost & Found items in the main hallway if they are missing anything.
- We will not be having a Family Project for June due to time constraints.
- Please return permission forms for June field trips as soon as you are able. Note that we will be needing parent volunteers for some of them.
- Please remember you need to have applied for/ completed a criminal record check in order to volunteer for any of our upcoming field trips.
- If you are signed up for the Hot Lunch program on any of our field trip days, please note that your child will receive a bag lunch of some sort in lieu of the school lunch on that day, however, extra food is often necessary on field trips as we are ravenous.
- BEST will be fundraising for Jump Rope For Heart, as we do every year. See more info here.
- Bike/Wheel to Work/School Week is Monday June 3 to Friday June 7 throughout the City of Kamloops. Get on your bikes and ride!
- Monday, June 3 is our last library book exchange with all books due back the following week. We will not be taking out more books after June 3.
- Please join us in the gym on Tuesday, June 4 at 11:45 for our dramatic performance piece entitled "Pirate Jamboree!". Check the earlier blog post for info.
- BEST will host a Bike Rodeo Friday June 7 but we will not attend.
- Team Awesome will have a great day with the Learn To Fish program at Paul Lake on Friday June 7. We will require many parent volunteers to make the day a success. More has been posted.
- Monday June 10 all library books are due back to BEST.
- Monday June 10 will be our last fire drill for this year.
- BEST will participate in outdoor jumping activities for Jump Rope For Heart on Wednesday June 12.
- Friday June 14 Team Awesome will explore Isobel Lake. We will need parent volunteers please. More info to come.
- Wednesday June 19 Team Awesome will celebrate the end of the year at Centennial Park. More info to come.
- Friday June 21 is National Indigenous Day and BEST will participate in various activities.
- Monday June 24 is Primary Fun Day. More info to come.
- All student materials will come home Wednesday June 26.
- Thursday June 27 is our last day at BEST with dismissal at 12:30(ish).
- Please remember that items such as toys from home should not come to school. Thank you!
- Please remember to send a water bottle with your child every day. Hats as the weather gets warmer is also a good idea.
- Scholastic flyers are available here. All Scholastic orders can be done online whenever you like. Our class code is RC210022.
- Please have Team Awesome read any little paper books that come home (approximately 1 per week) multiple times for practice/ fluency. Thank you.
- Sight words we are learning in class: are, her, him, how, out, this, when, your. Please feel free to practice together at home.
- Newsletters are paperless and can be found on the BEST website at best.sd73.bc.ca.
- If your child is exhibiting illness symptoms of any kind they must be kept home. Thank you.
Friday, June 7 we will be travelling to Paul Lake to participate in the Learn To Fish program sponsored by the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC. We will leave the school at approximately 9:00 and return for the end of the day. Our plan is to have our snacks upon arrival at the lake and some play time before our lesson. In previous years the presenters began our session with a lesson on fish and identifying them and knot tying with some hands-on practice. We then split into two groups and had some one-on-one lessons on how to cast a rod. The children will need to wait in line for their turn very patiently. We then each got our own rods and spent some time casting into the water and reeling them in. We are going to anticipate that our day this year will follow a similar format. Sometime in there we will also eat our lunches. At NO time will the children be allowed into the water as there will be no lifeguard.
The weather can be unpredictable so please plan accordingly and send both a jacket and a sun hat. Pre-dosing your child with bug spray and sunscreen in the morning is also a good idea. Please do not send these items with your child as they tend to overuse them and spray them everywhere, including in eyes, on food and on friends. The children seem to become voracious eaters on trips so some extra snacks or sandwiches would not be amiss and of course, a water bottle. There are washroom facilities at the park. Please join us if you are able as extra adult hands and eyes on field trips are always welcome. You could drive your own vehicle or there will also be some room on the bus. If you are taking your child home in your own vehicle at the end of the day, please inform us before leaving. Unfortunately, no one caught anything last time but there were plenty of fish tales to tell later! The B.E.S.T PAC Spring Carnival is on Friday May 31st from 4:30-7:30 pm.
• If you pre-purchased wristband/tickets you can pick them up Friday May 31st from 2-3pm (in the school by the office) or from 4:15pm onwards (outside near the back parking lot and gym) ● You can also purchase tickets the day of from 4:15 pm onwards (this is a CASH ONLY EVENT- all tickets, concession and 50/50) ● This is meant to be a family fun event so children must be accompanied by an adult (Sorry no pets allowed) ● Cake Walk $10 a ticket (guaranteed to win a cake) @7 pm! o If you would like to donate a cake or a dozen cupcakes please bring on Fri May 31st between 2:15-3:00 pm or when you come to the carnival o If you are planning on donating a cake could you please email Kim at [email protected] by Thursday May 30th so we know how many tickets we can sell. We greatly appreciate all your support and as always, all proceeds go right back to B.E.S.T! Thank you, B.E.S.T PAC Registration for WCTC Summer Camps is open now, and the deadline for Early Bird Savings is fast approaching. Make sure to register for classes by June 7th to save. There are options for everyone from ages 4 to 18, and some camps are sold out or close to it. Find more information here.
Dear BEST Community,
Please be reminded that parents/ caregivers are not permitted to park in bus zones at any time throughout the day. Recently, it has been noted that multiple vehicles are parking in these zones. We thank you in advance for helping to keep these areas clear and safe for our students. Thank You, Mrs. Edstrom ![]()
Hello Families,
Team Awesome has been working hard this term on a dramatic performance piece that they are almost ready to present! Families are invited to come watch the performance! We will have a few classes joining in as audience as well. Our play is entitled "Pirate Jamboree!" and the students will be dressed up as Pirates! I have a number of eye patches and bandanas and a few pirate hats for costumes for some students, but the students are encouraged to create a pirate costume of their own for the day of the performance. Our performance will happen on Tuesday, June 4 at 11:45 in the Gym. Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you! Mrs. Phillips Bert Edwards Fine Arts teacher |
Mrs. Bowden &