- Tuesdays are our library day so please send back books for exchange.
- Scholastic book orders came home this week and are due Thursday, March 5.
- There is a PAC sponsored hot dog lunch on Friday, March 6.
- Friday, March 6 is a Fresh Air Friday. Please dress your child to spend the afternoon at the river.
- Sunday, March 8 we will move our clocks one hour ahead for Daylight Savings time.
- Wednesday, March 11 Mrs. Bernice Jensen will be joining us for some drumming lessons.
- Expect report cards in backpacks on Friday, March 13.
- Spring break runs from Saturday, March 14 through Sunday, March 22. School will resume Monday, March 23.
- There will be no Family Projects for March due to the break but April's will come home next week.
- Don't forget to download any of the pictures or videos you love that I share with you via Google Photos onto your own devices so you will always have them.
- The February sight words are: come, did, have, get, love, of, said, very, will, yes. Please feel free to practice them at home. We will practice them regularly in class.
- BEST monthly newsletter can be found here.
Wednesdays before lunch Mrs. Farber and I often take the children outside to do some learning activities. In our classroom it is called Mrs. Farber's Friends time. The subject of the lessons vary- sometimes its science, sometimes language arts and sometimes, like this past week, its math. But its always fun. The children are introduced to concepts that might be new to them and have the opportunity to play with those concepts outside. Because everything is better in fresh air.
Two types of pictures that were guaranteed to hold my attention as a child were cross sections and cutaways. These revealing illustrations offer readers a god-like omniscience allowing them to peek at things that are usually hidden and imparting an understanding of how individual parts or spaces fit together to form a more complex whole. Mrs. Little gives a selection of children's books that contain cross-sections and I still find them fascinating.
As you know, Mrs. Farber's Friends and Team Awesome amalgamated our Mother's Day and Father's Day events into one event- Family Day. Team Awesome would like to invite our important family members (2 or 3 but be warned, it will be squishy) to our classroom on the morning of Friday, Feb. 28 from 8:30- 9:00. We would like to serve a small snack and juice and show off our burgeoning reading skills to our family members. We are looking forward to a bit of one-on-one time with our important people to show them how much we love them. And don't worry about tidying up afterwards- we'll take care of everything. It is the time of year when the Kindergarten students are gaining in independence seemingly by the second. They are comfortable around the school and in the school yard, they know our classroom routines and what to expect each day, they usually follow the parameters set for them and call out those who do not and they often leave parents hanging at the door waiting for a last kiss or good-bye before leaving. To further encourage Team Awesome's burgeoning independence I am encouraging you, their parents and caregivers, to begin saying your morning good-byes at the end of the hall or at the outside door and allowing the children to get themselves organized and into our class on their own. I have no doubts that each one will be successful and come away with an enhanced sense of pride and achievement in their ability to do what they know needs to be done in the mornings.
Mrs. Bowden &