BEST PAC will be sponsoring a Christmas Store next week for the students to purchase small gifts for their family and this is the information I have so far: The store will be open December 5 & 6 at lunch and after school in Room 14. Items will be priced between $.05 & $5.00 and will be colour coded for the younger students. Children are welcome to shop at lunch and after school both days. PAC will help supervise. Primary teachers will be able to take their class through for a "sneak peak" and to buy gifts on December 5 and intermediates on December 6. PAC will assist the students to select and wrap their items in gift bags; teachers will provide supervision.
It is best if your child does their shopping at our class time on December 5 and if you are sending money with your child to pick items up from the Store please deliver it to me in the morning in a labelled bag or envelope with the names of the family members the student is expected to shop for and the amount. I will try to ensure the money is kept safe and will give it to them at the shopping time allotted. Their gifts will be put into their backpacks to be taken home. Please understand that loss of money/ change/ gift items is a possibility but I will do my best. We have been counting down the sleeps until we go skating since last week and most of the kids are excited but some are a bit anxious because they don't know how to skate. We discussed all the things we couldn't do when we started kindergarten and how well we do them now because of all the practicing we do and how its the same with skating. I reminded the kids to bring their helmets and skates, snowpants and mittens (but not hockey sticks) and that there are a few pairs of skates available if they don't have any. I will have the kids put their skates into their backpacks to travel on the bus because they must be in a bag. We should be at the MacArthur Park arena about 10ish if you are coming to join us (yay!). We will be assigned a changing room where we will put on our skates and leave our things. Our ice time starts at 10:15. The children will be encouraged to stay on the ice as long as possible as there is nothing for them to do once they are finished. They may sit on the bench and wait for us (11:15ish) but they may not run around or go on the bleachers. I will not be on skates as it is difficult to help the children with them on but please, if you are a skater, by all means bring your skates. Looking forward to seeing you at the arena on Thursday!
With all the craziness that happens in the US today (and a bit more every year here in Canada) I thought this post at The Ugly Volvo was particularly appropriate. Enjoy!
Thank you SO SO much for all the donations of baked goods this week for our bake sales in support of our friend Royce's family. They were a huge success and enabled the children to experience being a part of something bigger than themselves. As little people they seldom feel they are able to make a big contribution and make the world a better place for someone else. But as adults we know that what seems like even the tiniest gesture on our part can make a significant difference for someone. Like many things, kindness is a quality that children learn over time and through practice. When kids feel that their help is needed and welcomed, they gain confidence that they have a contribution to make, and they keep on helping. The bake sales this week helped to reinforce all our lessons at home and at school about compassion and being goodhearted. Thank you for making a difference.
Mrs. Bowden &