Here is a video of most of Team Awesome's first Winter Concert. Unfortunately the program I used to make the video only allows ten second video clips and I am unable to turn off the music which results in a less-than-satisfactory result when all you want to see and hear are Team Awesome. I apologize that I was unable to provide you with a better viewing experience but they are still awesomely cute! Enjoy!
Mathematics is the science and language of patterns. Thinking about sorting and patterns helps children make sense of mathematics and young children are naturally interested in them. They enjoy patterns in rhymes, chants, songs, poems, and stories, and they experiment with creating patterns using play materials. They examine patterns in wallpaper, fabric, and geometric designs, and recognize patterns in their lives (e.g., the sequence of daily routines) and in nature (e.g., the cycle of the seasons). When students enter school, they continue to explore patterns in mathematics and in other subject areas. Developing an understanding of patterns and relationships is central to learning mathematics. In the primary grades, students identify, extend, and create a variety of patterns, using objects, actions, sounds, pictures, letters, and numbers. Through experiences in exploring and discussing patterns, young students begin to make conjectures and generalizations about mathematical relationships. Team Awesome has been using a variety of materials while exploring sorting and patterning activities and having a great time doing it.
![]() Boy, did we rock all the fun stuff this week! And a jammy-licious day to top it all off. Team Awesome was great and not only did we thoroughly enjoy all the activities between recess and lunch today but the time spent together before our two week separation was a tad emotional as some of them realized exactly how long the separation would be. Its sweet how the thought of being apart for a short time makes them appreciate their friends all the more. Enjoy your family time during the holidays with Team Awesome and I look forward to seeing you all in the new year!
Mrs. Bowden &