As of last week we are 100 days smarter! And boy were we busy learning so we can be 200 days smarter. We made crowns, we played games and puzzles, we did some writing and we made necklaces with 100 Cheerios. Yum! We had so many 100 Day activities that they continued through this week during literacy centres and math. We read 'Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day of Kindergarten' and some other books about 100 and made plenty of connections. It was a great 100th day of Kindergarten!
If there is still snow for Fresh Air Friday this week, and not slop or too much ice, we would like to go sledding. We might be able to borrow a few sleds and share them between ourselves and Mrs. Farber's class but If your child has a tobaggan that they are able to carry themselves they are welcome to bring it. Please be aware that they will have to be willing to share it and there is always the possibility of damage. Please put your child's name on the sled and then store it in our classroom until we leave after lunch. If the snow has melted or it is too icy we will forego the sledding and just go down to the river to do some winter exploring. Please dress your child for an afternoon spent outside in the weather- extra mittens might be a good idea as they are often soggy after lunchtime play.
As you know, learning to read is fundamental to your child's success in school and in life. But becoming a strong reader is challenging: it takes patience and perseverance- both by the parent and the young reader. And practicing reading sight words will help. Sight words are high-frequency words that are often difficult to sound out or illustrate so its important for emerging readers to master them "on sight". Being able to read these words automatically is the first step to reading fluently. It allows young readers to focus on more challenging words and understanding the text.
Try these things as you read books together:
Mrs. Bowden &