- As usual, library books are due back for exchange by next Tuesday, which will be our last exchange this year. All library books are due back to the school the second week of June. We did NOT get new books this week due to the Book Fair.
- There will be no Family Projects for June as I don't think we will have time to share them.
- We will have our last community groups assembly for this year on Monday, June 3.
- Permission forms went home this week for our 2 trips to TCC for gymnastics. They are due back next Monday with $12 please.
- Our first trip to TCC for gymnastics is the afternoon of Thursday, June 6.
- Please join us from 8:30-9:00 the morning of Friday, June 7 for Family Day. Info posted previously.
- PAC hot dog lunch on Friday, June 7.
- We will have our last (probably) Fresh Air Friday of the year on Friday, June 7. We will be staying at the school.
- Wednesday, June 12 Mr. Law will be making smoothies with us and Mrs. Farber's Friends.
- Thursday, June 13 is our final trip for gymnastics to TCC.
- The afternoon of Friday, June 14 is the BEST Talent Show in the gym. Parents welcome!
- We are down to 10 pairs of scissors from 25. That means we each need to share with a partner. If you find a pair of our scissors at home (they sometimes go home in lunch kits), please return them.
- Don't forget to use the Scholastic $6 book coupon your child received in their Xmas card from me before the end of June! Only one more order to do so!!
- If you make an online book order from Scholastic that is $30 or more, use the code 'CLIFFORD' to choose a free book worth up to $6 this month.
- May sight words are: are, her, him, how, out, play, this, when, your. If a word comes up repeatedly in our studies we will sometimes add it to our words for the month. Please feel free to practice them at home.
- BEST monthly newsletter can be found here.
On Wednesday we received a Kindness Challenge from Sensei Tansa and yesterday Team Awesome participated in a Waste Free Lunch presentation with Jaimie Garbutt from the City of Kamloops. The two K classes have extended a Waste Free Wednesday Lunch challenge to the other classes at BEST for the month of June. Above are some tips for how you can help make that challenge a success for Team Awesome.
![]() As you know, Mrs. Farber's Friends and Team Awesome amalgamated our Mother's Day and Father's Day events into one event this year- Family Day. Team Awesome would like to invite our important family members (2 or 3 but be warned, it will be squishy) to our classroom on the morning of Friday, June 7 from 8:30- 9:00. We would like to serve a small snack and juice and show off our burgeoning reading skills to our family members. We are looking forward to a bit of one-on-one time with our important people to show them how much we love them. And don't worry about tidying up afterwards- we'll take care of everything. Are you ready to move during the inaugural Community Better Challenge?
This Friday May 31, ParticipACTION’s inaugural Community Better Challenge will kick off, giving Kamloops just over two weeks to prove it is the most active city in Canada. The Challenge invites communities across the country to compete for the “most active community” title with a chance to win the national prize of $150,000 or regional prizes of $20,000. The competition runs between May 31 and June 16. How will SD73 be participating? 1. Students will be tracking their movement by classes on the participACTION tracking sheets 2. Adults 17 and over can sign up: download ParticipACTION App 3. Interactive Calendar of Challenges - Every Person Matters: The Community Better Challenge 4. Community Better Slide Deck of Challenges 5. KidSport Bursaries Poster Let's get moving and have some fun! As the season moves toward summer the children are coming to school in clothes meant for warmer weather. BEST has a dress code that parents may not be aware of and some of the parameters in the dress code directly affects summer clothing. Please make yourself familiar with the school dress code below.
DRESS CODE @ BEST It is the policy of School District No. 73 (Kamloops/Thompson) and Bert Edwards Science & Technology School that “Students are expected to dress in a manner that reflects purpose and propriety”. Students at Bert Edwards Science & Technology School are expected to use the following guidelines when selecting their school wardrobe: •Dress in an appropriate fashion for school. •Clothing shall not distract from the teaching / learning situation. •Clothing with offensive words, slogans, or pictures are considered inappropriate. •Clothing, insignias, symbols or adornments that promotes alcohol, drugs or tobacco products are not appropriate. •Clothing which features phrases / pictures of a sexual nature or phrases / pictures that are derogatory regarding a person's ethical background, national origin, religious belief, sexual orientation or disability are not appropriate. •Clothing should fit the individual without showing underwear or revealing too much. •Tube tops, halter tops, muscle shirts, athletic vests or spaghetti straps are not appropriate dress for school. •Shorts and skirts should be worn at a length that reaches approximately half-way down the thigh. •It is expected that students wear proper footwear at school, suitable for physical activities. Flip-flops (aka "thongs") are considered beachwear and are not appropriate. •Clothing should be in good repair with no revealing rips or tears and should not be see-through. •Hats, hoodies, bandannas and other forms of head coverings are not to be worn in school under normal circumstances. •Gym strip should be appropriate and as specified by the school. •A neat personal appearance and clean hygiene are expectations of students in our school. Thank you for your help ensuring that your child is dressed appropriately for a successful day at school. Students dressed inappropriately will be required to change clothes or to cover up. Repeated failure to comply with the school dress code may result in disciplinary consequences. If you are uncertain as to whether a particular piece of clothing is appropriate for school, please check with your child's teacher or with school administration. Friday, May 31, we will be travelling to Paul Lake to participate in the Learn To Fish program sponsored by the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC. We will leave the school at approximately 9:30 and return for the end of the day. Our plan is to have our snacks upon arrival at the lake and some play time before our lesson. Last year the presenters began our session with a lesson on fish and identifying them and knot tying with some hands-on practice. We then split into two groups and had some one-on-one lessons on how to cast a rod. The children waiting in line for their turn were very patient. We then each got our own rods and spent some time casting into the water and reeling them in. I am going to anticipate that our day this year will follow a similar format. Sometime in there we will also eat our lunches. At no time will the children be allowed into the water as there will be no lifeguard.
The weather can be unpredictable so please plan accordingly and send both a jacket and a sun hat. Pre-dosing your child with bug spray and sunscreen in the morning is also a good idea. Please do not send these items with your child as they tend to overuse them and spray them everywhere, including in eyes, on food and on friends. The children seem to become voracious eaters on trips so some extra snacks or sandwich would not be amiss and of course, a water bottle. There are washroom facilities at the park. Please join us if you are able as extra adult hands and eyes on field trips are always welcome. You can jump on the bus with us or drive your own vehicle. Unfortunately, no one caught anything last year but there were plenty of fish tales to tell later! Next week is Bike to Work & School Week and students (and staff) at BEST are encouraged to participate. We are keeping track of students that bike back and forth from home and school to have a total number of kilometers ridden for the week. Graham Specht, who helped with our bike rodeo, will be coming back to help tune up bikes and fit helmets at lunch on Wednesday, May 29. And for each day students bike to school they will receive a ticket to put their name into a draw. Let's get on our bikes and ride!
Mrs. Bowden &