- Some of the permission forms for our June fieldtrips are coming back with no names or other information on them and we are not sure who they belong to. Please make sure to fill in all of the info on each form. Thank you.
- Library books are due back on Tuesday so we can choose new ones.
- We had so much fun testing our egg drop contraptions on Wednesday. Thank you for participating!
- Monday, May 30 is popcorn day. Hope you got your orders in!
- PAC pizza lunch orders were due back today with pizza delivered on Friday, June 10.
- Permission forms for our June fieldtrips were due back today. If you haven't returned them yet, please do so as soon as possible. Please don't forget to check the box to tell us if you are able to help.
- Get your orders for BEST yearbooks to the office.
- Team Awesome will be putting on a special Primary Play on Thursday, June 2 at 11:15am in the gym and families are invited to come watch. Save the date!
- There will be NO school lunch program the last week of June.
- Thank you for keeping toys/ jewelry etc. home as they have been coming to school in backpacks and being traded and passed around, causing tears and issues.
- Sign up to fundraise for Jump Rope For Heart here.
- The May newsletter for BEST can be found here.
- Please have Team Awesome read any little paper books that come home (approximately 1 per week) multiple times for practice/ fluency. Thank you.
- Check out what Mrs. Phillips is doing with Team Awesome here.
- Scholastic flyers are available online monthly. May's is available here. Our class code is RC210022.
- May sight words are: are, her, him, how, has, out, this, when, your. If a word comes up repeatedly in our studies we will sometimes add it to our words for the month. Please feel free to practice them at home.
"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” – Mother Teresa
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Mrs. Bowden &