Team Awesome did so well for their first partial week. I am so proud of them! Please give them kudos at home for their good listening ears, helping hands and inside voices. Sometimes applying these concepts immediately is difficult for little peeps but Team Awesome did a great job. We have talked every day about being a team and working together and taking care of our school family just as we would our home family and Team Awesome worked very hard on doing all those things this week. Does that mean we won't revisit those ideas almost daily and need reminders? Nope. But it is an awesome start to their Kindergarten year.
Welcome welcome welcome to our first Friday Housekeeping post for the 2016-17 school year! Firstly, I have to apologize for failing to introduce myself to most of you when you came for the interviews this week. It was terribly rude of me and an oversight on my part. And please feel free to call me Amber as I know the default is often Mrs. Bowden. Team Awesome made it through their first partial day, although to their disappointment some of it was filled with starting routine building rather than straight-up playing. The focus at the beginning of the year in Kindergarten is on learning how things are done in school and our classroom and we will continue to build on that throughout the rest of the year. We did explore the playground and some of the activities in our classroom as well as shared a book. I hope they are all looking forward to coming back next week.
A reminder that BEST is a nut aware school as we have students with severe allergic reactions to peanuts and tree nuts in the school. In order to minimize the chances of those students coming into contact with nuts I respectfully ask that you refrain from sending products with nuts in your child's lunch to school. If your child has eaten peanut butter or other nut products before leaving for school please have them wash their hands thoroughly. Although we encourage young children to share, the students in our class will be discouraged from sharing their food, drinks and eating utensils with others in order to provide all children with safe conditions. I realize that helping us to maintain a nut-free classroom takes a certain amount of effort and diligence on your part, and I thank you in advance for your cooperation in helping us maintain a safe, healthy environment for all of our students. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or the office at the school. There are a number of spreads that are similar to peanut butter that are acceptable substitutions. SunButter (made of sunflower seeds), NoNuts Golden Peabutter (made of peas) or WOWBUTTER (made of soy) are all safe alternatives although they do not taste exactly like peanut butter. Welcome to the 2016- 2017 school year! This is an exciting time for your child, although he/she may be a little apprehensive about going to "real" school. This is also a time of mixed emotions for parents--- joy that your child is ready for school, but sadness because he/she is no longer a "baby"! The first day of school will mark one of the most important milestones in your child's life. I’m so glad I get to share that with you. Be assured that I will do my best to make this school year an enjoyable time for your child, but also a time filled with real learning. The skills we practice daily in kindergarten are the building blocks for your child's future success in school and in life. I know if we all work together, we can make this a wonderful year for our students and help them reach each goal that is set for them. I am looking forward to getting to know all the children. I am sure that all of us will learn a lot in the upcoming months! I will update this blog weekly to keep you informed and up-to-date on what the children are doing in the classroom, as well as what you can do with your child at home to provide additional practice in certain areas. If you ever have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me through this blog, email, the school or in person. |
Mrs. Bowden &