- Don't forget to send the library books back by Monday and your child will put it in the Library Box on their way in.
- The September Family Project is due Monday, Sept. 26, or whenever you have finished it. Have fun!
- Wednesday, Sept. 28, is photo day. Thankfully we are usually first so we are fresh and tidy for our pictures. Retakes are Oct. 26.
- The Terry Fox Run is Thursday, Sept. 29, at 10:30. We will be running around the perimeter of the school grounds, inside the fence. You are welcome to join us and donate a toonie if you like.
- October lunch orders are due to the office Monday, Oct. 3.
- PAC pizza orders are also due Monday, Oct. 3. If you have ordered pizza it will be delivered to your child at lunch time on Friday, Oct. 7.
- The first set of sight words were introduced this week. They are: I, a, like, the, you. Please feel free to practice them at home.
- We also read our first little book together- "Chester Loves School". The children should know it by heart. Their homework is to read it 3 more times at home for fluency (and to show off their budding reading skills). Please have them read any little paper books that come home multiple times for practice. Thank you.
- Sharing began this past Monday. Check the calendar for your child's day. Please refrain from sending toys to share.
- School supply fees are due into the office if you haven't already done so.
- If you would like to send a water bottle with your child's name on it to leave on the back counter, you are welcome to. Remember to take them home occasionally to wash, especially after an illness. We do have a fountain in our sink but it is difficult to work.
- Although we are not in cold season yet, it is coming (we had coughs and sniffles already). If you could send a box or two of tissues for our classroom it would be very much appreciated.
- A student verification form and an SD 73 Kindergarten Survey form came home last week. Please insure all information is correct on the Student Verification form and correct any that needs fixing and fill in the SD 73 K survey form as best you are able and return them to me. Thank you.