- Don't forget to send the library books back by Monday and your child will put it in the Library Box on their way in.
- If you haven't finished the September Family Project, send it in whenever you have finished it. Have fun!
- October lunch orders are due to the office Monday, Oct. 3.
- PAC pizza orders are also due Monday, Oct. 3. If you have ordered pizza it will be delivered to your child at lunch time on Friday, Oct. 7.
- We will have our first whole school Spirit Assembly on Wednesday, Oct. 5.
- Scholastic book orders are due Friday, Oct. 7.
- We will go to the river for our first Fresh Air Friday on Oct. 7 after lunch. It is often cooler down there and sometimes we get muddy so please dress your child appropriately.
- Monday, Oct. 10 is Thanksgiving Day. Enjoy!
- The first set of sight words were introduced last week. They are: I, a, like, the, you, no. Please feel free to practice them at home.
- We read "My Book of P" today and the children should know it by heart. Their homework is to read it 3 more times at home for fluency (and to show off their budding reading skills). Please have them read any little paper books that come home multiple times for practice. Thank you.
- Thank you for your contributions of toonies for the Terry Fox Run.
- Thank you to Sachith and his family for the donation of two Scholastic books to our classroom.
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Mrs. Bowden &