It never fails to surprise me how empathetic children are. When do we lose some of that? This week we participated in the Terry Fox Run but before that happened, I wanted the children to know what and who they were running for. We watched a short video about Terry Fox but the children had more questions and had missed some of the crucial information I wanted them to know so we watched a longer one. Of course we are all familiar with Terry's story but for Team Awesome it was new. And they were rapt watching him run with one leg and they had so many questions. We discussed his grit and determination and perseverance in the face of overwhelming adversity and how we need to be like Terry when faced with something that seems just as difficult as running a marathon every day, whether it is writing our name or zipping up our coat. And they were sad, so sad, that Terry only had one leg and that after everything that happened he got sick and died. And so we ran. And it felt hard. But not as hard as it was for Terry. Comments are closed.
Mrs. Bowden &