They are only sending books home with the oldest child in each family. They come in envelopes with the child's name, teacher and book #. Children who did not return or pay for their books last year will only get an envelope with the information in it, not a coupon book.
Orders and coupon books that have not been purchased must be returned by October 10, 2014 . If a parent wishes to purchase the coupon book that was sent home, they only need to return $10.
PAC has a list of all book #'s and which child has them. If they are not returned or purchased by October 10 those families will be charged $10. Please return orders/coupon books to the office.
If you flip through the book you will see that it is full of amazing deals and most coupons pay for the book itself. Don't miss this chance to scoop some great little discount coupons and support our school at the same time!
PS If your child brought home an empty envelope, I have the coupon book- it fell out of someone's folder and I don't know who it belongs to.