Our leprechaun traps will be displayed tomorrow afternoon in front of the office with traps made by other students. The children will be bringing them home at the end of the day and don't be surprised if they want to set them up there too. May the luck of the Irish be with you!
There were squeals of delight and excitement this morning as the children checked their leprechaun traps and discovered tiny potatoes and teenier shiny shamrocks spread around their traps. But alas, no leprechauns. As we looked around we discovered the smartypants had changed the calendar by turning everything upside down, messed up our name cards and played with some of the toys. We resolved to catch him tonight. To that end, we shared how our traps were supposed to work, why we thought they didn't, and how we could improve them and this afternoon we spent some time upgrading our designs. Some of us made totally new traps. Bigger and better traps. And we were sneakier when setting them up- we hid them in places the unsuspecting leprechaun was sure to go based on where he went last night. Cross your fingers we are luckier tonight than we were last night. Our leprechaun traps will be displayed tomorrow afternoon in front of the office with traps made by other students. The children will be bringing them home at the end of the day and don't be surprised if they want to set them up there too. May the luck of the Irish be with you! Comments are closed.
Mrs. Bowden &