Of course there are other feelings in June as well. Like pride in seeing our little peeps move onward and upward but also sadness that their journey through Kindergarten is over. Like anxiety over what the new year will bring and how everyone will manage. Like thankfulness for the friends and memories that have been made. And enthusiasm for new learning and adventures to come.
Team Awesome and I have been discussing all of these things the past few weeks, as I am sure you have been at home, and they have been feeling all the feelings just as strongly as I have been. And while I know that a strong academic foundation gained in Kindergarten will carry the children confidently through their primary years and beyond, I am conscious that the friendships and social skills they have gained this year will be just as valuable, if not more so. Because ultimately, life is about connections with others. About caring and compassion and empathy. The friendships and social skills Team Awesome has negotiated this year are going to extend far beyond the walls of our classroom and into their future. And while their teacher and classroom and possibly school may change, their friendships will be there to see them through.
And I would like to thank you, Parents, for trusting me with such an important job. To have faith that I would stand by and guide your children through their first, important, year of school with as much love and pride as you yourself would. It is no small thing I ask of you in September- to transfer your child's hand from yours to mine and know that they will be safe and cared for the time that they are away from you and returned happy and smiling and bursting with things to tell you. So thank you for your trust and support this year and I know that Team Awesome's journey, and yours, through learning and the education system will be successful. Have an awesome summer and I will see you next September!