- Please return library books before next Thursday for exchange.
- There are no Family Projects for March due to the holiday. April's was sent last week and is due Friday, April 6.
- We will start new Buddy Bags in April.
- PAc is sponsoring a Pizza Day on Friday, April 6. Orders are due to the office by Thursday, March 29.
- Hot lunch orders for April are due to the office Friday, March 16.
- Sunday, March 11 we will jump the clocks ahead an hour. I can never remember if that means we get extra sleep or lose sleep. Hoping its the former.
- Every year my classroom is plagued by a pesky little Leprechaun and the grapevine told me he might be visiting next week but its a secret. Would you set aside an empty cardboard container or two (cereal/ cracker/ cookie box etc.) or items you might otherwise put into your recycling bin to send in with your child next Wednesday please so we can make traps and catch the Leprechaun. Thanks!
- The Gr. 6 Leadership group would like everyone to wear green next Friday.
- On Friday, March 16, report cards will come home with your child. It is also a Fresh Air Friday and the last school day before Spring Break.
- The BEST March newsletter can be found here.
- March sight words are: because, fun, have, jump, make, why. Please feel free to practice them at home.
Cabin fever? Spring fever? Too much togetherness? Not enough sleep? Maybe it's just me (with not enough sleep)? Call it what you will but it's been a bit of an off week for Team Awesome. A week apart to recoup and regenerate will be good for all of us. Comments are closed.
Mrs. Bowden &