- Please return library books by next Tuesday at the latest so we can pick new ones.
- Our PAC is once again holding the ever popular Basket Raffle in December. Each class is asked to donate items to put together a themed basket. Our theme is Game Night. Items are due Wednesday, Dec. 2 and tickets will be available to buy from Dec. 7 to 14. Thank you so much for supporting our students.
- Please have Team Awesome read any little paper books that come home (approximately 1 per week) multiple times for practice/ fluency. Thank you.
- Team Awesome is getting much better at putting their outside clothes on independently. Thank you for practicing with them at home.
- The BEST newsletter can be found here.
- Check out what Mrs. Phillips is doing with Team Awesome here.
- Thank you to Emma, Parker and their family for the donation of extra headphones to our learning space.
- Sight words we are learning in class: at, and, do, from, go, he, she, stop. Please feel free to practice them at home.
- Friday, December 11 - School Spirit Ugly Sweater Day
- Friday, December 18 - School Spirit Pajama Day