- Seth loves his paper binder and Keyton showed us his turtle necklace.
- Monday is our library book exchange day next week, although Ms. Kipp will not be here. We will have one more book exchange for the year after this one.
- There will be no Family Project for June as I am anticipating we will have very little time to share them.
- Scholastic book orders went home today and are due Friday, June 3.
- Tuesday, May 31, we have Reading Buddies with Mrs. Weber's class.
- Wednesday, June 1, we will spend the morning at the Big Little Science Centre. If you have not already returned the permission slip, please get them to me by Tuesday at the latest.
- Thursday, June 2, both myself and Mrs. Farber will have a sub as we will be making a presentation at the Grube about our Build It Bin to the School Board and Trustees (Yikes!).
- Dental screenings will also be Thursday, June 2.
- Friday, June 3, is Cultural Day at BEST and a number of grade 5 classes from other schools will be joining us. If there is room Team Awesome will be attending some of the stations so please send a hat.
- There will be a Scholastic Book Fair in the library from Monday, June 6, to Thursday, June 9.
- If you find any school scissors around at home please send them back to school.
- Thank you to Gideon and his family for the beautiful iris blossom.
If you haven't already heard, we received our teeny tiny Painted Lady caterpillars on Wednesday after the children had left. The company sent more caterpillars than ordered and after dividing up the others, I took what was left and put them into one clear plastic container the children could see through. Unfortunately, I realized that not only was the container too small to support that many caterpillars when they grew larger but there wasn't enough food for all of them. What to do? Have you seen the movie Sophie's Choice with Meryl Streep? I decided to sacrifice some so the others could survive but I couldn't bear to just throw them in the garbage so I put the baby caterpillars back into the original container which had a smidgeon of food in it and hoped nature would take care of it for me overnight. Unfortunately, (fortunately?) the caterpillars were still wiggling when Team Awesome arrived Thursday morning so I presented them with my dilemma and asked for some ideas. Ordering more food wouldn't work but someone suggested we find out what they eat in nature. So we did that. Apparently thistles are the Painted Lady's food of choice so we decided we would look for some to bring in. As I type this on Thursday evening I have a feeling that thistles or no, Mother Nature will have taken this option away from us by Friday morning but I was amazed (as usual) how great the children were coming up with a logical plan for a real-life dilemma.
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Mrs. Bowden &