My driving trip after school to visit family in Edmonton for Easter was cancelled this morning due to severe weather warnings for the next three days. Apparently the children in northern Alberta will be searching for Easter eggs under a few inches of snow. Lucky them. The Week In Photos or other videos will be posted this weekend as usual. Please enjoy the holiday with Team Awesome! |
- Thank you to those Team Awesome members (and parents) who remembered to bring eggs today and for being willing to share those eggs with our friends so everyone could have one.
- Friday, April 14 is Good Friday and the beginning of the 4 day Easter weekend.
- Monday, April 17 there is no school due to the Easter holiday. Please return library books for Tuesday.
- Thursday, April 20 the recycle truck will be visiting BEST.
- Friday, April 21 is the Jump Rope For Heart kick-off and we will be participating in Earth Day activities. The Kamloops Children's Choir will also be presenting at BEST that morning.
- The BEST PAC has partnered with DFS Canada in a fundraising campaign. Orders were due either in to the office or online by Thursday April 13. Expected product delivery is the week of May 15.
- April's Family Project is due whenever you would like to return it.
- Please return the signed envelopes from report cards for our last reporting period.
- The BEST newsletter can be found here. Look under Site News.
- We are practicing our sight words for April. They are: all, boy, his, girl, not, some, that, what. If a word comes up repeatedly in our studies we will sometimes add it to our words for the month.