- Jaden had a cool monster toque, Ciara showed us her balancing Snoopy, Aeverie had two teddies and Bentley likes his rubber lizard.
- The last book orders of 2015 were due today and should be here before the holidays. If you would prefer to have an order delivered straight to you rather than your child, please let me know.
- Mrs. Villeneuve's class would like to sell moustaches for Movember on Monday, Nov. 30. They are little paper moustaches on a popsicle stick, selling at 25 cents each. This is a fund raiser and part of their goal to contribute to our community.
- December family projects are due about Dec. 2 (or when you get them finished).
- I will be away on Wednesday, Dec. 2 so there will be a substitute teacher.
- Thursday Dec. 3 is a popcorn day and the orders are due by Wednesday, Dec. 2.
- Pizza orders are due Thursday, Dec. 3 for a pizza lunch on Friday, Dec. 11. A reminder that this is not a free lunch but costs $4 for pizza/ drink.
- Our next Fresh Air Friday is Friday, Dec. 4. Please dress your child warmly.
- Monday, Dec. 7 is a Non-instructional Day so the children will not attend school.
- A notice about PAC raffle baskets and donations for our class basket went home today. Our basket theme is 'Beverages/Coffee/Tea'. If you can send a donation for our basket it would be very appreciated.
- If you find some of our missing scissors, would you please send them back to school. We are also missing 4 or 5 coloured plastic spoons.
- Mr. Hembling and Ms. McKenna will be selling BEST t-shirts and hoodies in the office every Monday at lunch for the month of November. T-shirts are $10 and hoodies are $25. Of course they can be bought at other times of the year through the office.
- Thank you to Keyton and his family for the donation of a 'Black & Decker' construction station. It is proving popular.