- Please return library books for Monday exchange.
- PAC pizza orders are due Monday, May 1 with pizza lunch on Friday.
- The health nurse will be here to give all the Ks a cursory vision screening on Tuesday, May 2. If she notices anything that should be checked she will contact you.
- Our May spirit assembly will be the afternoon of Wednesday, May 3.
- Scholastic book orders are due Thursday, May 4.
- Friday, May 5 is the due date for May family projects as well as a May Fresh Air Friday.
- Jump Rope For Heart donation envelopes are due to myself or the office by Friday, May 12.
- Please note that we will be inviting our moms to our classroom from 8:30-9:00 the morning of Thursday, May 11 for a wee Mother's Day celebration. Invites coming soon.
- The BEST newsletter can be found here. Look under Site News.
- We have just finished practicing our sight words for April and will have new ones for May. April words are: all, boy, his, girl, not, some, that, what. If a word comes up repeatedly in our studies we will sometimes add it to our words for the month.
- Go forth and Be Awesome!
Have you heard the term 'growth mindset'? It is the idea that intelligence can grow versus the belief most of us have grown up with that it is fixed (we get the IQ we are born with). In our classroom we try to avoid saying, "I can't do it." We try to use, "I will try my best" or "I can't do it... YET". We talk about how it is okay to make mistakes because it makes our brain work harder, which causes it to grow bigger and stronger, like a muscle. And that scientists begin with a hypothesis that is often wrong and they need to rethink and revise their ideas and try again. I am trying to help Team Awesome understand that trying again- and trying new strategies- not only helps them succeed at the current task but also helps them succeed in the future by strengthening their brain. I want them to know that struggle is a chance to improve their skills and understanding, that there is value in effort and critical thinking and that growth is always possible.
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Mrs. Bowden &