- Please return library books for Monday exchange.
- PAC pizza orders are due Monday, May 1 with pizza lunch on Friday.
- The health nurse will be here to give all the Ks a cursory vision screening on Tuesday, May 2. If she notices anything that should be checked she will contact you.
- Our May spirit assembly will be the afternoon of Wednesday, May 3.
- Scholastic book orders are due Thursday, May 4.
- Friday, May 5 is the due date for May family projects as well as a May Fresh Air Friday.
- Jump Rope For Heart donation envelopes are due to myself or the office by Friday, May 12.
- Please note that we will be inviting our moms to our classroom from 8:30-9:00 the morning of Thursday, May 11 for a wee Mother's Day celebration. Invites coming soon.
- The BEST newsletter can be found here. Look under Site News.
- We have just finished practicing our sight words for April and will have new ones for May. April words are: all, boy, his, girl, not, some, that, what. If a word comes up repeatedly in our studies we will sometimes add it to our words for the month.
- Go forth and Be Awesome!