- Mason shared a loom elastic dragon (who knew you could do that?!), Colby showed us his Lego book and Sintse had a phone.
- Monday, Feb. 2, is Groundhog Day and we will be exploring what that means.
- Monday, Feb. 2, February Family Projects are due as well as permission slips and $2.00 to cover the bus cost for Friday's field trip to the Big Little Science Centre.
- Wednesday, Feb. 4, Scholastic book orders are due.
- Friday, Feb. 6, will not only see us off to the BLSC in the morning, but also participating in another Fresh Air Friday in the afternoon. Promises to be an awesome day!
- Send in your gently-used books next week for the Book Swap Feb. 11. Maximum of 2 books per child.
- We are missing some utensils (spoons, forks) from our classroom. They are plastic and brightly coloured. If you find them in your child's backpack, please return them.
Team Awesome, those little sponges, soak up everything (including things we sometimes don't want them to absorb). Mrs. Unsworth has been studying and researching polar animals with them and they remember and recite the most surprising little tidbits that were thought to be over their heads. But interest is a curious thing. Children (and adults for that matter), will persevere at something that is challenging if they have a passion for it. But ask them to try something that they don't see the value in and you will be met with resistance and complaining. Have you ever given a child a book that you have chosen and asked them to read it? Now have them choose their own book, regardless of reading ability and level of text, and they will struggle through it to the end because they not only had a choice of text but chose something that appealed to them. The same is true of activities. Now if we only had to do things we have a passion for in life and not things we dislike.... Comments are closed.
Mrs. Bowden &