- Please return library books by Tuesday for exchange.
- Monday, April 26 is an NI day and Team Awesome will stay home while we learn to be better teachers.
- Tuesday, April 27 the Family/ Sharing projects for May can be returned to school. Of course, if it is completed earlier or later it can be sent back. The flower template is on the back of the instructions.
- May lunch order forms are due to the office by Wednesday, April 28.
- PAC pizza order is due to the office by Friday, April 30 with pizza delivered on Friday, May 7.
- BEST yearbooks are $20 and can be ordered via the form that came home or through the office. They are usually delivered at the end of the year.
- BEST is having a spring plant fundraiser. Order deadline is Monday, May 3 and plant pick up date is Friday, May 21.
- These videos featuring Katie McCormack, a member of the Curriculum and Instruction Team, are made for parents to demonstrate how interesting math strategies can be fun.
- If your child has worn one of our extra pairs of pants home, please return them. Thank you.
- Scholastic digi-flyers for April can be found here.
- The BEST newsletter can be found here.
- Check out what Mrs. Phillips is doing with Team Awesome here.
- April sight words are: all, boy, his, girl, not, name, some, that, what. If a word comes up repeatedly in our studies we will sometimes add it to our words for the month. Please feel free to practice them at home.
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Mrs. Bowden &