- Please return library books before next Thursday for exchange.
- There are no Family Projects for March due to the holiday. April's will be sent early.
- Scholastic book orders are due Wednesday Mar. 7.
- We are wrapping up this session of Buddy Bags and only one will go home Friday, Mar. 9. We will start new bags in April.
- Sunday, March 11 we will jump the clocks ahead an hour. I can never remember if that means we get extra sleep or lose sleep. Hoping its the former.
- Friday, March 16 report cards will come home with your child. It is also a Fresh Air Friday and the last school day before Spring Break.
- The BEST March newsletter can be found here.
- If you would like to send a set of headphones in a bag with your child's name on it for your child to use with the iPads they would appreciate it (and so would I).
- February sight words were: come, did, have, get, love, of, said, very, will, yes. If a word comes up repeatedly in our studies we will sometimes add it to our words for the month. Please feel free to practice them at home. We will have new words for March next week.