- Sam showed us a favourite lift-the-flap book and Andon had a cool Lego tank he had built.
- Welcome Mrs. Unsworth. Today was her first day and she will be with us until Oct. 30.
- Photos went well today- the kiddos were beaming and well behaved while waiting their turn.
- Please return the coupon books sent home a few weeks ago if you do not want to buy them.
- Some school supplies fees are still outstanding. Please see Ms. Adams in the office.
- Our trip to Adams River is on Wednesday, Oct. 22. I have only one confirmed parent to help supervise. I will need at least three more helpers to be able to take the children. If you are able to come and help, please let me know as soon as possible.
- On Thursday Oct. 23 there is a partial solar eclipse which is best seen from western North America. From Kamloops, the sun will be blocked 59% which is pretty good! Even if it is overcast the sky will visibly darken as maximum eclipse approaches. The sun begins to enter the moon's shadow at 1:34pm and will have emerged from it completely at 4:17pm.
- Friday Oct. 24 is a Non-Instructional Day. The children will not have school.
- Bert Edwards Elem. will be participating in Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) on Monday Oct. 27. It is usually held province-wide between 11:00 and 11:20.