Please refrain from sending more than 1 Halloween treat to school each day with your child in November.
- Aeverie shared a tiny rubber ball, Bentley had a bunch of keys on a lanyard, and Theo is excited about his tiny blue man.
- Monday, Oct. 26 is our field trip to the pumpkin patch and the children will choose a pumpkin to bring back to the school but must be able to carry it on their own. On Tuesday, Oct. 27 we will carve the pumpkins with the grade sixes.
- It will be cold on our trip Monday morning so please send hats, mitts and a warm coat.
- October 26 is Drop Everything And Read Day and BEST will be joining the rest of the schools in SD 73 by reading at 1:00.
- The last Wednesday of each month is Pink Shirt Day and a spirit assembly so that will be Oct. 28.
- Our RCMP liaison officer, Sofie Winkels, will give us a Halloween safety presentation the morning of Thursday, Oct. 29.
- We will participate in Halloween activities Friday, Oct. 30 and Team Awesome is welcome to wear their costumes.
- If you have not yet paid school fees, they are due at the office.
- Kindergarten Survey 2015-2016 forms went home last week and should be returned if you have not done so already.
- The kids are reading lots of Take Home books! I try to do them as often as possible but due to our schedule or random chaos, sometimes it doesn't happen that day.
- In case you missed it last week, I wanted to make you aware that Team Awesome will be skating on Jan. 28, Feb. 11 and Mar. 3. We do have skates available for the children to borrow at the school but they are limited in sizes and about a kijillion years old so not terribly comfortable. You might want to keep your eyes open for a good used pair if you don't already have some. Helmets will be mandatory.