As I was pretty sure that we would be seeing the last of the snow for this winter (fingers and everything else crossed), Team Awesome spent a large part of Friday afternoon playing outside in the sunshine building forts and playing a game they made up called Crocodile Tag. It was a wonderful afternoon to be outside.
- Nessaya shared a beautiful dream catcher, Jude had a parachute man, Iszaac showed us a Lego man's helmet and Tarynne brought a learning clock so old it brought back memories for me as I had the exact same one.
- Report cards will come home with the children on Friday. Don't forget to sign and return the envelopes after the holiday.
- Spring Break begins Saturday March 15 through to Sunday March 23.
- There will be no book orders sent home for March.
- PAC fundraiser orders are due at the office March 10.