- The lock down practice went very well today. The children were great and very quiet.
- The Fruits and Veggies program brought us blueberries on Wednesday. Yum!
- On the calendar it says VIP and that means my helper for the day. No action is required by you.
- There was no library on Thursday as Mrs. Kipp was absent.
- Sharing starts on Monday. Please remember to send interesting items, not toys.
- We will be skating 2 or 3 times after Xmas and enough skates for the Ks can sometimes be an issue. If you don't have any for your child, keep an eye out for used ones between now and then.
- Hot lunch forms for October are due Monday.
- Student photos are next Thursday, Sept. 26.
- Family projects can be brought to school any time they are completed so we can begin sharing them.
- River's Day has been moved from Monday Sept. 30 to Monday Oct. 7. More info will follow.
- Please send a box of tissue with your child as cold season has already begun. When we run out I will send a request for more.
- Next Friday is a Non-Instructional Day and the children will stay home.
- Please give me feedback and suggestions regarding our end of the day routine and the children having their packs/shoes inside our classroom rather than in the hall.