All students are invited to enter this fun event on their own, with a group or with a parent. All you have to do is find a way to prevent an egg from breaking when it hits the wall at speed. Choose the materials, make your plan and have some fun.
Entry forms cost 25c and are available from your teacher.
- 1. Students may enter individually or with a partner or as a small group.
2. Parental assistance is appreciated but not required.
3. The raw egg will be supplied on the day. We much prefer to put our own raw egg in just before dropping it, but if your design is completely enclosed, you may put in your own raw egg.
4. The egg must be visible. We want to see if it breaks or not.
4. No parachutes or balloons may be added to the outside of the container
5. The device to protect the egg must fit into a shoe box although it does not have to be in a shoe box. It cannot be larger than an average shoebox.
*New Rule for this year! Mr Hembling is an Olympic enthusiast and is introducing egg testing! If your egg survives it must undergo egg doping tests. We will be breaking your egg if it survives to determine its “leggitimacy”