This year calmer heads have prevailed and on Monday, June 26, we will be catching the school bus in front of the school for our trip to Centennial Park in Westsyde. We will look at the animals across the street (unfortunately through the fence), maybe feed them some goodies we can buy from a vending machine ($5 a bag- the goats are very greedy!), participate in an outdoor activity or two, play on the playground, have our lunch under the trees and splash in the water park for the rest of the afternoon before our return to school at the end of the day. If you would like your child to go through the park sprinklers please have their suit on under their clothes or in their pack and send a towel. Hats and sunscreen and a plastic bag to put wet things into, as well as a substantial lunch, are a good idea. We will catch the return school bus at about 2:00. Please join us at the park for a day of fun and adventure!
A few years ago Mrs. Farber and I had this brilliant (we thought) idea to take our classes to Centennial Park in Westsyde by city bus for the day. We could cover some of our socials curriculum (transportation, bus driver, community) and give the children an experience many of them had not had previously. It was a great idea in theory. We filled out the paper work to obtain our free bus passes and dutifully lined our little Ks up at the bus stop on 8th St to eagerly await the bus. And wait. And wait. And once the bus did arrive we learned that the bus driver had no knowledge of us and the bus was already partly full, making it difficult to accommodate 40 small children and 2 anxious teachers. We found it necessary to triple up in the seats and our children were seated all over, making it hard to keep an eye on them. But they were thrilled! The return trip was much the same, with the added stressor of having to cross 8th St at the lights with tired, dragging children who were not up to walking at the quick march it takes to get across the road before the light changes. Thankfully drivers were patient.
This year calmer heads have prevailed and on Monday, June 26, we will be catching the school bus in front of the school for our trip to Centennial Park in Westsyde. We will look at the animals across the street (unfortunately through the fence), maybe feed them some goodies we can buy from a vending machine ($5 a bag- the goats are very greedy!), participate in an outdoor activity or two, play on the playground, have our lunch under the trees and splash in the water park for the rest of the afternoon before our return to school at the end of the day. If you would like your child to go through the park sprinklers please have their suit on under their clothes or in their pack and send a towel. Hats and sunscreen and a plastic bag to put wet things into, as well as a substantial lunch, are a good idea. We will catch the return school bus at about 2:00. Please join us at the park for a day of fun and adventure! Comments are closed.
Mrs. Bowden &