Just a few things today.
We loved 'David Goes To School' in September so in October we read 'No David' and wrote our own class book based on 'No David'. Each of the children wrote "No (insert name)!" and drew a picture of themselves doing something they would get in trouble for. Team Awesome was very inventive and came up with some great ideas (of things they would never do in real life, of course). This book is popular during quiet reading time and the children love to read the text in a firm voice with lots of expression and discuss the pictures. Since then we have been learning to make connections while we are reading. We are learning about text to self connections and text to text connections and facilitating that with 'David Gets in Trouble' seemed like a natural fit. The children made a great connection between this book and one we read and discussed earlier in the month called 'Penny and Her Marble' by Kevin Henkes. And of course, they made plenty of text to self connections. Team Awesome was sad to learn that we have read all of the 'David' books but happy to hear that David Shannon has written others like 'Duck on a Bike'. We will be looking for them in the library! It's that time of year again! Canada Post would like to send your child a letter from Santa but they have to write to him first. According to Santa’s CPE (Chief Postal Elf), Holly T. Elf, there are three golden rules in sending a letter to Santa:
NORTH POLE H0H 0H0 CANADA. What an awesome opportunity to write for real life, which enables the children to launch out and explore new opportunities for their emerging writing skills. So break out the special paper, the pens, pencils and markers and encourage your child to practice their literacy skills and write a letter to Santa soon! And how exciting to get a personalized letter back! The Remembrance Day assembly today went well- replete with a play by the gr. 6s and Mr. Hembling on the trumpet. I am never too sure how much the children take away from Remembrance Day discussions as the concepts are so far removed from their experiences (thankfully).
Not only were we subjected to the yummy smell of popcorn all yesterday morning but the intermediate students had their popcorn today and the delicious smell wafted down to our room this morning as well. It was enough to drive us mad! The children received their popcorn for recess snack yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. They were very careful to sweep up all the little bits that inevitably fell on the floor and took any leftovers home to enjoy after school. The Popcorn Day sales are a popular fund raiser for the school and there will be more throughout the year. We were thrilled that Mr. Don Bowser, our First Nations Education Worker, was able to book a session with Darryl Laboucan. Mr. Laboucan brought drums and drum sticks and we all got to use them while we sang a number of First Nations songs. We had heard the Welcome Song at the opening to our River's Day but the others were new to us. The children had awesome listening ears and resisted the urge to beat the drum when they were not supposed to. They were also very good at sharing the drums with each other. We are looking forward to other cultural presentations this year. Thank you Mr. Bowser and Mr. Laboucan!
Mrs. Bowden &