The Primary Fun Day events are scheduled for Friday, June 23. We will be participating in fun sporting events such as races and relays outside for the course of the morning. Hats, sunscreen and a water bottle are necessary as we are hoping it will be hot and sunny. In the afternoon K-3 students will have some water fun out on the field. Please send a towel and hat and have your child's bathing suit on under their clothes or in their bag to change into after lunch. A plastic bag to put wet things in might be handy. If your child would like to bring a water gun please have it clearly marked with their name and we will be collecting them in class to hold until the afternoon. There will be buckets of water and a pool to fill water guns in and a shady area to spread out our towels that will be off-limits for water gun usage. The whole day is a huge success and so much fun every year! Come have a blast with the primary students on Friday!
Although summer break is not here yet, it's coming faster than the speed of light!
Our trip to Isobel Lake is on Friday, June 16! So here's the plan- although it is wobbly as out there in the forest we are not restricted to time constraints so things are fairly relaxed other than our departure time at the end of the day.
We will be leaving the school as soon as possible in the morning (8:45ish). Be sure to pack lots of lunch/snacks (they turn into voracious eaters on field trips), a water bottle, a sweater and a hat. The children will be expected to carry their own packs all day so make sure they are manageable. The weather is supposed to be warm but of course is unpredictable, so please dress your child appropriately. Apply sunscreen and bug repellent before leaving the house as the children have a tendency to share and over-apply, getting it into eyes/hair etc. The bus will drop us off at the top of the hill and we will either use the bathrooms (outhouses) at the top or the bottom of the hill... or both. Children will be divided up among the adults after we get off the bus and the groups will be encouraged to explore but to stay together. We will eat our snacks after a short walk and take our garbage with us. We will make our way around the lake, stopping and exploring and staying out of the water. It is not inconceivable that someone will 'accidently' fall/ slip into the water (it has happened before) so we will pack a change of clothes just in case. Partway around the lake we will stop to see what we can see in the lake from the shore and the pond kits will be brought out to use and later we will carefully go out onto the docks. Slightly further on we will stop in a large grassy area with covered picnic tables to eat our lunches and then slowly make our way back to the bus so we can leave by 2:00. Sometime during the day we will get a picture of all the Ks together. Sounds like a great day! Hope you can join us. PS As per our previous fieldtrips this year, parents are welcome to drive their own vehicles. |
Mrs. Bowden &