For your information:
- We would like all classes sitting in front of the main tent at the river by 10:15. When you walk down Windsor, cross Schubert, head slightly right, and go down the bank on the trail by the cement pylons.
- Each classroom should have some type of tarp or blanket that is designated as their class meeting area. Backpacks, etc. can be left on this tarp or blanket, and this will become the meeting place at lunch for your class.
- Parents are more than welcome to attend the day but if they are smokers, please ask them to go up to Schubert Drive.
- There will be a porta- potty on Schubert Drive for our use. Send an adult with your little ones, or have them go with a buddy (a Gr.6 student with each primary class).
- Please encourage your students to bring a water bottle and take all garbage with them.
- If you have students who need epi- pens, inhalers, etc. please be sure they/you have them with you. There will be a first aid kit at the tent.
- Encourage your students to dress for the day. Hat, extra water, layers (hopefully sunscreen), and appropriate footwear are important as well as clothing that will allow participation in games and activities involving water.
Schedule of events:
10:15 Opening remarks & Welcome from First Nations
10:30 Session 1 Big Little Science Centre
11:15 Session 2 Fisheries & Oceans
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Session 3 Primary Explore
1:05 Session 4 River Stuff
1:50 Clean up / Return to School