So Team Awesome would like to formally invite our friends and family to our classroom at 2:45 Thursday Dec. 19 for a quick little presentation, after which you can saunter around the school and enjoy the Open House activities. It's going to be organized, decorated, directed and performed by Team Awesome. If nothing else, it's bound to be gosh-darned cute!
One of the best things about Kindergarten is the children's first Christmas concert and no matter how poorly the children perform due to stage fright, they are so darned cute up on the stage in their fancy clothes it just doesn't matter. And as excited as Team Awesome is for the Winter Open House next Thursday, I didn't want to take away the opportunity for them to perform for their families. So I mentioned this afternoon that we might like to invite our families into our classroom and sing a song or two for them as a Christmas gift. The excitement and voices ramped up sky-high within a few seconds and ideas began to fly around the room faster than I could respond to them. And each idea presented led to a new one. "Could we stand at the front?" "Could we sing Jingle Bells?" "Yes! Yes! I love Jingle Bells!" "How about I Wish You A Merry Christmas? Could we sing that too?" "Can we sing by a tree? Like a Christmas tree?" "And the adults can't sing- just the kids!"
So Team Awesome would like to formally invite our friends and family to our classroom at 2:45 Thursday Dec. 19 for a quick little presentation, after which you can saunter around the school and enjoy the Open House activities. It's going to be organized, decorated, directed and performed by Team Awesome. If nothing else, it's bound to be gosh-darned cute! Comments are closed.
Mrs. Bowden &