A few housekeeping items:
- I have asked the children to bring their water bottles into the classroom and set them by the sink as this limits the time they are out in the hallway for the water fountain. Pick them up to take them home on Fridays to be washed.
- Some children have brought toys in their backpacks. Please know that I cannot be responsible for these items. It is possible they will get lost, broken or taken.
- A reminder to send the Take Home Folders every morning and have your child bring them into the classroom to be put into the Home Box.
- If you wish to order books from Scholastic, September orders are due on Monday. Cheques should be made out to Scholastic Canada.
- I am trying to come up with ways to help with the congestion in the hallway at end of the day dismissal and still be able to make sure students are going home with the correct adults. Next week I am going to try having the children's backpacks ready to go in our classroom and have them in their outside shoes so when the classroom door opens you can just come right in, get your child and go. I'm not sure how this will work in winter but we'll tackle that when we get there. Any suggestions?