What is easy/ hard about school?
What do you like/ dislike about school?
What are you proud of?
What are you still working on?
Which book bin is your favourite? Why?
Which centre is your favourite? Why?
How are you respectful/ responsible/ safe at school?
Can you tell me more about _____?
Tell me about your friends.
Tell me about your classroom jobs.
- Please return the library books in their special bag by next Tuesday at the latest for exchange.
- Scholastic flyers are available online monthly. October's is available here. All Scholastic orders will be done online whenever you like and orders sent directly to your home. Our class code is RC210022.
- Western Canada Theatre Company's first special event of the season! A live variety show to be enjoyed by the living. Looking for thrills, chills, and a few laughs this Hallowe’en? Join us this next week at Tales from the Stage and Tales from the Cookie Jar for spooky (and some not-so-spooky) tales for adults and kids! Tickets on sale now.
- November lunch orders are due to the office by Wednesday, Oct. 27.
- Photo orders are due online by Wednesday, Oct. 27. Codes for retakes were sent home in zipper bags earlier this week. Whole class photos don't usually come until the spring.
- Thursday, Oct. 28, is our first lock down drill. We will prepare the children the previous day as we find too much advance notice causes them to fret and worry unnecessarily.
- Team Awesome will participate in Halloween and pumpkin activities on Friday, Oct. 29. Mrs. Farber emailed some info regarding costume expectations from Mr. Law earlier this week.
- The sight words we are learning right now: am, to, for, my, is, was. Please feel free to practice at home.