- Azaan had a great backpack and Jacqueline is proud of her fancy wallet.
- Monday is our library book exchange day.
- Family Projects for May are due if they have not yet been returned.
- A reminder that Thursday, May 12, is an early dismissal day (12:30) for parent/ teacher interviews. If you would like to come and chat let me know and we can set up a time. Of course, we can chat (or phone or email etc) most any day you are available or any time you have a concern/question.
- Friday, May 13, we have a Hug A Tree And Survive (HATS) presentation with Alec Farquharson. It is also a Fresh Air Friday.
- We will be using real child-sized tools that are sharp for our next FAF. Please let me know if you do not want your child to use them as there is a chance of getting hurt if used improperly.
- Mrs. Farber and I are looking for items the children can take apart (computers, telephones, stereos, what-have-you) for the May 13 Fresh Air Friday.
- April sight words learned: what make some of this not his get
- May sight words introduced: him out want day because your her there
- We are down to 9 pairs of scissors from 26 in the fall. If you find any floating around at home please send them back to school.
- Thank you to Ciara and her family for the donation of a book to our classroom library.
- Thank you to Alexandra and her family for the donation of new science books for our class library.
- Happy happy Mother's Day!!!
Rules can be hard. Sharing can be hard. The rules around sharing can be hard. We have a 'no sharing food' rule in our classroom and the children all understand it's for safety reasons and usually abide by it. But sometimes the other 'rules' for sharing can be blurry and helping Team Awesome navigate them can be complicated. Early this week the intermediates had their track and field day which included a concession sponsored by PAC. Some of the children had money and some did not. Children with freely shared funds or treats with those without. Which was great.....until someone was left out or someone used their newfound popular status to their own advantage. And money was being given and taken away with many on both sides upset. Try explaining to distressed 5 year olds why people don't usually share or ask others for money even though we are encouraged to share most everything else. It's tricky. And confusing. And for the kids it usually wasn't about the money. While I don't want to discourage them from being generous, which seems to come naturally to most small children, I do want to teach them that sometimes society dictates that generosity has parameters around it. Which makes me wonder-- why? Why does sharing have to be so complex?
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Mrs. Bowden &