- Please send library books back in their special bag by Monday for exchange.
- Wednesday, May 1 there will be a fire drill at BEST.
- Friday, May 3 is a possible Fresh Air Friday. As the river rises we will be moving our outdoor activities to the school grounds.
- Wednesday, May 8 we will visit the Big Little Science Centre and Riverside Park.
- PAC lunch will be delivered on Friday, May 10.
- Sunday, May 12 is Mother's Day. Hug your mom!
- Thursday, May 16 there will be a fire drill at BEST.
- Friday, May 17 is a Pro D day and Team Awesome will be home.
- Monday, May 20 is Victoria Day. Camping anyone?
- Wednesday, May 22 Professor Wow performs for BEST students.
- Thursday, May 23 we have our first gymnastics session at TCC.
- Friday, May 24 is a possible Fresh Air Friday.
- Thursday, May 30 is our second and last gymnastics session at TCC.
- Friday, May 31 BEST PAC is hosting an outdoor carnival. Exciting!
- Please remember that items such as toys from home should not come to school. Thank you!
- Please remember to send a water bottle with your child every day. Hats as the weather gets warmer is also a good idea.
- Scholastic flyers are available here. All Scholastic orders can be done online whenever you like. Our class code is RC210022.
- Please have Team Awesome read any little paper books that come home (approximately 1 per week) multiple times for practice/ fluency. Thank you.
- Sight words we are learning in class: all, boy, girl, his, not, some, that, what. Please feel free to practice together at home.
- Newsletters are paperless and can be found on the BEST website at best.sd73.bc.ca.
- If your child is exhibiting illness symptoms of any kind they must be kept home. Thank you.
Comments are closed.
Mrs. Bowden &