- Don't forget Saturday, Oct. 31 is Halloween (as if the children would let you!) and we also turn our clocks back one hour as well.
- Friday, Nov. 6 is Fresh Air Friday. Please dress your child appropriately and expect some dirt (and water if its wet outside).
- Book orders are also due Friday, Nov. 6, if you would like to order. If the order is meant to be gifts, please let me know beforehand so I can give them to you directly.
- If you have not yet paid school fees, they are due at the office.
- Kindergarten Survey 2015-2016 forms went home awhile ago and there are 3 still not returned. Please return it if you have not done so already.
- The kids are reading lots of Take Home books! I try to do them as often as possible but due to our schedule or random chaos, sometimes it doesn't happen that day (or the next).
- I am looking for a regular sized lamp or two to add to the corner of our classroom. As the days are getting darker, our little lamps are just not quite enough and I dislike using the florescent lighting. If you have a lamp, or set of lamps, hanging about that are in working order and you would like to be rid of, please consider donating them to our classroom.
- Thank you to Ciara and her family for the donation of a book to our classroom.
- Please refrain from sending more than one Halloween treat with your child each day.