As I was looking at the calendar and filling in dates, I was taken aback to realize that we have two months of school left this year. How did that happen? We have plenty of activities to fill up the time- field trips, assemblies, Fresh Air Fridays and, of course, our regular curriculum stacked on top. I often begin to feel a bit anxious this time of year as I think of how much more I want to share with the children. And although we will do tons of learning these last few months, I never seem to feel 'finished' (although I might feel like it by the end of June). There is always something else I would like to help Team Awesome discover or get them excited about. Of course, their formal learning has just begun and they will have plenty of other opportunities to embrace the excitement and I will start all over again with a new group in the fall so technically, we will not be finished even though this school year is.
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