- Please refrain from sending more than 1 Halloween treat to school each day with your child. They will be encouraged to eat their healthy food (ie sandwich) before having the treat at lunch.
- Please return library books by next Tuesday at the latest so your child can choose a new one.
- Friday, Nov. 5 is Fresh Air Friday. Please dress your child appropriately to spend the afternoon at the river.
- Sunday, Nov. 7 we turn the clocks back one hour for Daylight Savings Time (despite debating the merits/ detractions ad nauseam every year).
- We will participate in a pre-recorded BEST Remembrance Day assembly on Wednesday, Nov. 10.
- Thursday, Nov. 11 is Remembrance Day and we will stay home to observe it.
- Friday, Nov. 12 is a PAC pizza lunch if you ordered for your child.
- PAC sent home the first fundraiser- The Big Deal Coupon book. Books are $10.00 each. Send your orders into the office.
- Scholastic flyers are available online monthly. November's is available here. All Scholastic orders can be done online whenever you like and orders sent directly to your home. Our class code is RC210022.
- The November newsletter for BEST can be found here.
- It is zipped-up coat weather and some of us are struggling. Could you please practice zipping zippers at home. Thank you!
- Please remember to label all outdoor items as best you can.
- Sight words we are learning in class: am, for, is, my, to, was. Please feel free to practice reading them together at home.
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Mrs. Bowden &