What is easy/ hard about school?
What do you like/ dislike about school?
What are you proud of?
What are you still working on?
Which book bin is your favourite? Why?
Which centre is your favourite? Why?
How are you respectful/ responsible/ safe at school?
Can you tell me more about _____?
Tell me about your friends.
Tell me about your classroom jobs.
- Don't forget to send library books back for exchange by Tuesday.
- Monday, Oct. 28 BEST will attend the last Young People's Concert at Sagebrush Theatre. If not already sent, please send permission forms on Monday morning so your child can join us.
- Thursday, Oct. 31 will see us participating in Halloween activities. More info has been posted.
- Friday, Nov. 1 is a PAC pizza lunch day.
- Sunday, Nov. 3 we turn the clocks back an hour for daylight savings time.
- Monday, Nov. 4 Scholastic book orders are due. Don't forget to use the code CLIFFORD if making an online order of $30 or more for a free book.
- We have a whole school assembly the afternoon of Monday, Nov. 4.
- Thursday, Nov. 7 we have TRU nursing students coming for a hand washing presentation.
- November Family Projects are due Thursday, Nov. 7 or when they are finished.
- Friday, Nov. 8 is our Remembrance Day ceremony at 10:45. You are welcome to join us.
- Fresh Air Friday is Friday, Nov. 8. Please dress your child appropriately.
- If you have not already, please send a set of over-the-head earphones in a labelled ziplock bag for your child's iPad use.
- Please have Team Awesome read any little paper books that come home (approximately 1 per week) multiple times for practice. Thank you.
- The October sight words are: am, to, my, for, was, is, Mom. Please feel free to practice them at home. We will practice them regularly in class.
- BEST PAC would like to host a Christmas Craft Fair on Sunday, Nov. 12 and is looking for parents who would like to rent a table. They will be giving vendors/crafters who attended the last year first spots then opening up Tuesday October 15 to the public. Register at [email protected] or call Amanda at 778-220-0113 for more information.
- It is zipped-up coat weather and some of us are struggling. Could you please practice zipping zippers at home. Thank you!
- Please remember to label all outdoor items as best you can.
- Lost outdoor items can be found in the Lost & Found bin by the parking lot doors.